
The manuscripts that comprise the Shamokin Diary are held in the Moravian Archives in Bethlehem, Pa and are available on microfilm in Moravian Missions among American Indians Records; ca. 1735-1900.  Microfilm.  (40 rolls)  The late Reverend Carl John Fliegel (1886-1961), research Assistant at the Archives of the Moravian Church from 1952 to his death and a native of Germany,  read every word of about twenty-five thousand pages of these manuscripts, and prepared an elaborate card index, consisting of an estimated 30 000 cards with 135 000 entries.  This index is an invaluable aid to the researcher, especially for those who cannot read the German script of the original text to which it refers and it has often served as the primary source of information on which scholarship is based.  Thus, the categories that Fliegel devised for the indexing of the enormous amount of manuscript materials, have become the categories that determine the description of the missions to the Native Americans. A glaring example of omissions though is a category on women.  They are absent from the index. Further, where Fliegel does include an entry for “visits,” he does not explain that these are pastoral visits that were conducted very frequently by the European Moravian women to the Native American women and thus constitute a crucial locus of cultural exchange.  It was at these visits that the Moravian Brothers and Sisters conducted “spiritual interviews,” according to the guidelines established by Count Zinzendorf. 

The data contained in Fliegel’s index and their relevance to DH have most recently been discussed in Juan Garcés, Anna S. Meyer, Arne Rümmler, Kay-Michael Würzner, “Fliegel Flügel verleihen Der Fliegel-Index und Digital Humanities (DH)-Methoden” Die Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert: Theologie-Geschichte-Wirkung, ed. Wolfgang Breul (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2024), 675-698.

1742 Zinzendorf’s Travel Journal

9/15/1742        The Lenape (Delaware) are treated as foolish children by the Five Nations

9/15/1742        The Lenape (Delaware) are said to have a “King” at Shamokin

9/15/1742        The Seneca are the Keepers of the path to the Iroquois

9/29/1742        The Lenape’s (Delaware) political organization mentioned

9/29/1742        The Cherokee War with the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) in 1736 mentioned

9/30/1742        The Catawba are mentioned, also known as “Kattabes, Gatapes, Cattobats”



9/16/1745        Mack’s arrival

9/17/1745;       idem

9/18/1745        Drinking & carousing

9/19/1745.       The Cherokee are referenced


10/8/1745        The Lenape (Delaware) Shamokin residents are friendly to Mack

10/9/1745        The Lenape (Delaware) warriors are marching against the Catawba (Flatheads)

10/12/1745      The Lenape (Delaware) seem disinterested in the Moravians

10/13/1745      The Lenape (Delaware) individuals listen to Mack’s words

10/19/1745      Much drunkenness & violence in Shamokin

10/24/1745      Lenape (Delaware) Shamokin group having a feast

10/28/1745      Lenape (Delaware) have a town on the Susquehanna

10/31/1745      Shawnee individual expresses Five Nations’ displeasure at presence of missionaries


11/2/1745        Cherokee to be attacked

11/2/1745;       All night dancing & howling

11/3/1745.       Mack is relieved by Hagen

11/3/1745        Prospects evaluated by Mack

11/6/1745        Evaluated by Weiser


5/5/1746;        Blacksmith urgently needed at Shamokin

6/27/1746        Request represented to Gov. Thomas Mifflin

9/7/1746          Five Nations siding with the British

12/27/1746      Five Nations fighting against the French



4/14/1747        Project of establishing a forge

4/18/1747        Mack & Nathanael arriving

4/18/1747       Lenape Chief Alomoebey, without authority

4/19/1747       Shawnee residing along Susquehanna, West Branch

4/21/1747       Blacksmith project discussed at conference

4/21/1747       Outdoor conference with chief and advisers

4/21/1747       Lenape excluded from conference

4/21/1747       Catawba frequently attacked


5/26/1747      Hagen’s activities

5/31/1747       Shamokin reached by Hagen & Powell

5/28/1747      Opening of blacksmith’s shop planned


6/9/1747        Starvation diet

6/1/1747        Lumber prepared for the mission house

6/3/1747        Measurements of house given

6/7/1747        Warriors marching against the Catawba

6/13/1747      Frame finished

6/15/1747       Grubbing

6/17/1747       Plowing

6/16/1747       Shingles made

6/22/1747       Roof built

6/24/1747      New house occupied

6/30/1747      Mission house roof finished by Hagen


7/2/1747         Chimney built

7/8/1747         Chimney and door finished

7/11/1747        Forge finished

7/16/1747        Ceiling

/7/18/1747      Shikellimy’s help enlisted

7/24/1747       Smithy opened

7/29/1747        Nanticoke residing at the mouth of the Juniata River


8/2/1747          First pedelavium & communion service

8/2/1747;         Erection of the smithy praised by Shikellimy

8/20/1747        Sewing for Indians without charge by missionaries’ wives

8/20/1747;       Account book for work at the forge

8/20/1747        Workers’ conference

8/20/1747;       Attitude of aloofness from traders

8/20/1747;      Native Americans kept on the preferred list at the forge

8/20/1747        Daily morning & evening devotions among missionaries enjoyed

8/25/1747        Symptoms of prevailing sickness described


9/7/1747          Hagen buried in the turnip field

9/29/1747        Mack in charge


10/5/1747        Preparations for making charcoal

10/12/1747     Catawba attacked by war party;

10/13/1747     Catawba’s new attack

10/16/1747     Boards for a floor in the mission house

10/19/1747   Native Americans  kept on the preferred list at the forge

10/22/1747      Turnips saved from Native Americans

10/23/1747      Floor laid

10/26/1747      Sewing of shirt expected of missionary’s wife

10/26/1747     Lenape nationality of mother found dead

10/28/1747    Use of charcoal

10/30/1747     Charcoal-kiln started


11/6/1747      Fire in the kiln started

11/[?]/1747     Coal-shed built

11/7/1747        Venison as payment for shirt making

11/7/1747      First married people’s quarter hour

11/8/1747     Less emphasis on Sunday than on Sabbath

11/9/1747        Guns fixed at the smithy

11/13/1747     Lenape visitors

11/14/1747     Sabbath lovefeast

11/19/1747    Charcoal manufactured

11/20/1747    Lenape individual accused of  poisoning by magic

11/21/1747     Married people’s quarter hour

11/23/1747     Shroud made for a child

11/23/1747     Lenape individual treated with kindness

11/27/1747    Cobbler’s work

11/28/1747    Disturbance at night


12/5/1747       Sabbath observance

12/16/1747      Deep snow

12/17/1747     Snow drifts & severe cold

12/19/1747     Lenape customers at the blacksmith shop

12/20/1747    Lenape visitors

12/23/1747     Disturbance by intoxicated Native Americans

12/25/1747     Christmas observed with a lovefeast

12/25/1747      Description of lovefeast buns

12/26/1747    Married people’s quarter hour

12/30/1747      Laundry work for Native Americans

12/30/1747     Lenape are hungry visitors

12/31/1747;    New Year’s Eve watchnight service



1/4/1748         Powell in charge

1/4/1748         Workers conference

1/4/1748         No social relations with traders

1/9/1748.         Sabbath observance leading to astonishing questions

1/9/1748          Tutelo Visitors wondering about Moravian Sabbath observances

1/18/1748       Lenape residing at Waphallobank

1/23/1748   Earthquake felt at Shamokin

1/28/1748        Catawba cruel, able to defend themselves


2/19/1748      Disturbance at night

2/23/1748      Drunkenness


3/5/1748        Minqua visitor

3/18/1748      Town flooded

3/10/1748      Land cleared for farming

3/22/1748        Mission house improved

3/24/1748       Lenape young woman instructed on the uselessness of liquor

3/25/1748      Fruit trees planted

3/27/1748       Minqua visitor receiving treatment by bloodletting


  1.                  Help thankfully acknowledged

4/4/1748          Entertainment by dancing warriors

4/5/1748          Catawba to be attacked

4/15/1748        Sabbath & Sunday observance enjoyed

4/15/1748        Payment at the forge with hides and pelts

4/15/1748.       No charge accounts at the forge

4/15/1748        No objection to acceptance of venison for sewing by missionaries’ wives

4/15/1748        Agricultural enterprises to be kept at a minimum

4/15/1748        No seed available for making a garden

4/18/1748      Mack in charge

4/28/1748      Disturbance by drunken & noisy Indians


5/4/1748         Smith-shop temporarily closed

5/8/1748         Liquor stealing & drinking

5/12/1748        Grubbing for corn-planting

5/13/1748        Marcus Kiefer arriving at Shamokin as fence-builder

5/16/1748       Lenape individual recognizing the causes of Indians’ misery

5/17/1748        Nanticoke migrating toward the upper Susquehanna

5/18/1748        Nanticoke gathering at the smith-shop

5/20/1748        Nanticoke individual craving for white people’s bread

5/21/1748        Nanticoke leaving

5/31/1748        Rattlesnake, dangerous to Mack


6/1/1748         Cabbages planted

6/4/1748;        Lenape living on Shamokin Island

6/5/1748;         Everybody drunk

6/8/1748          Corn ruined by hail

6/13/1748        Closing of the blacksmith’s shop regretted

6/13/1748       Lenape visitors complaining about the long absence of the smith

6/16/1748        Blacksmith’s shop opened

6/18/1748.       Disturbance by traders

6/26/1748      Native Americans not permitted to work at the forge on Sabbath or Sunday

6/26/1748       Traders strictly kept out of the house

6/26/1748       House to be kept clean & free from vermin

6/26/1748       Workers conference

6/26/1748       Renewed emphasis on linguistic studies


11/30/1748;     Zeisberger in charge

11/30/1748;     Communion service for smallest group


12/7/1748        Rail splitting



1/5/1749         Susquehanna River separating the Shamokin mission from Logan’s residence

1/6/1749        Diary kept by Rauch

1/7/1749        Noise by drunken Indians

1/11/1749       Sleepless night for missionaries

1/18/1749       Lenape nationality of Lapachpiton

1/25/1749      Disgusting scenes

1/25/49        Catawba visitors in frightening attire

1/29/1749      Brawl silenced by missionary’s singing


2/11/1749       Lenape neighbors looked at with pity

2/16/1749       Services till 2 a.m.

2/19/1749       Mohawk Nationality of Sociziówonhe;

2/24/1749       Drunken brawls & fighting

2/25/1749       Everybody sleeping


3/5/1749        Lenape individual dying from overdose of whiskey

3/7/1749         Disgusting scenes

3/9/1749        Lenape individual buried with difficulty

3/11/1749       Everybody sick & weak

3/12/1749       After-effects of drinking spree

3/14/1749        Repair work on fences

3/19/1749        Tutelo nationality of Shikellimy’s widow

3/20/1749        Nanticoke visitor giving his opinion on Shamokin Indians

3/20/1749        Population held in low regard

3/26/1749;       Easter dawn services beginning after midnight

3/27/1749        Mohawk visitors at Shamokin

3/30/1749       Canoe bought

3/31/1749        Dinner menu at Shamokin


4/3/1749          Zeisberger keeping the diary

4/4/1749          Big drinking affair

4/10/1749        Cayuga nationality of Tianoge

4/10/1749        Travelling plans of members of Great Council discussed

4/11/1749;       Poor economic situation

4/11/1749        Tuscarora warriors returning to Wahochquáge

4/12/1749        Delaware Nationality of superstitious visitor

4/19/1749        Delaware Tribesmen settling on the Susquehanna West Branch

4/19/1749        Mohawk Nationals settling at Ostonwakin

4/19/1749        Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee visit considered by Zeisberger

4/22/1749       Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee wampum message from Weiser

4/26/1749        Charge of Lenape black magic raised


5/9/1749          Steps to avoid involvement in drinking affair

5/14/1749;       Idem

5/14/1749       Lenape drinking

5/14/1749        Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee delegates seen on their way to Philadelphia

5/20/1749        Nanticoke migrating toward Wyoming

5/23/1749;       Lesson in plowing by Zeisberger

5/27/1749        Big drinking affair

5/31/1749       Lenape man killed as alleged sorcerer

5/31/1749        Mohawk nationals killing a Lenape for alleged sorcery

5/31/1749;      Lenape burial ground used for burial of an alleged sorcerer


6/9/1749          Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee councillors arriving at Shamokin

6/10/1749        Onondago Warriors described with pleasure

6/12/1749        Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee councillors found to be polite & modest

6/15/1749       Lenape not participating in treaty at Lancaster


7/2/1749          Blacksmith’s Sabbath & Sunday rest criticized

7/13/1749        Nanticoke regretting omission of visits by Moravians

7/14/1749        Cayuga visitors praised as friendly and modest

7/20/1749        Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee leaders arriving at Shamokin

7/22/1749        Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee visitors at Shamokin

7/22/1749        Onondago visitor at Shamokin.

7/22/1749        Seneca visitor at Shamokin

7/24/1749        Mission premises at the disposal of Haudenosaunee guests

7/25/1749;       Drinking & noise all night

7/26/1749;       Brotherly treatment by intoxicated visitors

7/26/1749        Seneca visitors provided with presents from Bethlehem

7/26/1749        Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee plan of visit by Bethlehem leaders



1/8/1750.         Work taken over by Zeisberger

1/8/1750         Lenape

1/23/1750       Lenape called a bad people

1/30/1750       Cayuga Nationality of Hahotschaunquas


2/3/1750         Lenape Visitors accused of causing damage

2/3/1750         Tutelo Visitors accused of causing damage


2/3/1750          Cayuga

2/8/1750         Cayuga nationality of Swatãne (Shikellimy)

2/24/1750       Disagreement on charges for work at the smithy

2/24/1750        Reputation of honest dealing defended against false charge

2/18/1750       Bloody fight among traders

2/25/1750       Everybody drinking


3/5/1750         Drinking & wife-beating


6/3/1752         Grube called into service.



4/14/1753       Grube in charge

4/16/1753       Chimney for the new mission house

4/17/1753       Disturbance by drinking Native Americans

4/19/1753       Undisturbed Passion services

4/26/1753       Chickens stolen by intoxicated Indians

4/30/1753        Canoe making


5/8/1753           New house in more advantageous location

5/8/1753           Farming activities kept on the level of Native American economy

5/8/1753            No cordiality with traders

5/8/1753           Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee pleased with missionaries’ attitude toward traders

5/[?]/1753        Forge run on a basis of self-sufficiency

5/21/1753        Conoy (al. “Canai, Ganai, Ganey”) migrating from Maryland to the Susquehanna

5/21/1753        Nanticoke linguistically related to the Conoy (“Ganey”)

5/29/1753       New mission house occupied


6/5/1753          Mohawk warrior accidentally killing member of Montour’s family

6/10/1753       Excesses during Grube’s absence

6/10/1753        Seneca warriors noted for robbery and violence. House and forge offered for sale


7/19/1753;       Smallpox among the children

Disposal of livestock & supplies (No. 6)



1/11/1754       Kliest put in charge

1/21/1754       Floor laid in the mission house

1/25/1754       Frey & Roesler arriving


4/22/1754      Catawba attacked

4/27/1754       Coal & ore discovered in Susquehanna Valley


5/19/1754        Footbridges built


6/20/1754        Boards bought at the sawmill

6/25/1754        Danger by high water

6/27/1754      Damage to mission house floor repaired


12/21/1754      Evaluation of Lenape attitude toward the gospel



3/30/1755        Lovefeast requiring sugar & tea

3/30/1755        Number of cattle kept on the mission place


4/1/1755          Roesler in charge

4/3/1755         Lenape visitors entertained at Shamokin

4/14/1755       Drinking by men & women

4/29/1755        Mohawk nationality of visiting family


5/7/1755         Mohawk nationality mentioned of Jonathan

5/19/1755       Deer & racoon skins sent to Bethlehem

5/31/1755       Crops ruined by frost


6/6/1755          Picture of Shamokin economy

6/6/1755          Mail service for mission organized

6/6/1755          Land claimed by Weiser as his property

6/6/1755          Mahican Nationality of friendly family

6/8/1755;         Economy called ridiculous

6/8/1755          Spiritual situation praised

6/18/1755        Five Nations of the Haudenosaunee delegates expected

6/18/1755       Land soon to be settled by Weiser’s people


7/5/1755          Pedelavium communion

7/13/1755        Mohawk nationality of overnight guests

7/17/1755       Lenape well-behaved visitors

7/26/1755        Advice to flee disregarded


8/17/1755        Conoy having a burial at Shamokin

8/24/1755       Size of economy


9/9/1755.         Bridge repair

9/27/1755        Pedilavium and communion

9/27/1755        Marcus Kieffer taking over the work at the forge


10/1/1755;       Condensed history of the last years

10/11/1755      French Indians seen near Shamokin

10/16/1755     Massacre of white neighbors (Penn’s Creek)

10/23/1755      Allegheny Nations sending wampum with fierce threats

10/26/1755      French Indians seen close to Shamokin

10/26/1755      Close to bloody action by hostile Nations

10/30/1755      Conoy nationality of Schafmann